

✦ 美国 – United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
✦ 欧盟 – European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
✦ 中国 – Trademark Office of China IP Administration
✦ 日本 – Japan Patent Office
✦ 加拿大 – Canadian Intellectual Property Office
✦ 墨西哥 – Mexico Industrial Property Offices
✦ 英国 – United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office
✦ 意大利 – Italian Patent and Trademark Office
✦ 德国 – German Patent and Trade Mark Office
✦ 法国 – Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (France)
✦ 西班牙 – Oficina Espa?ola de Patentes y Marcas
✦ 瑞士 – Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
✦ 澳大利亚 – IP Australia
✦ 新西兰 – New Zealand Intellectual Property Office
✦ 新加坡 – Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)
✦ 韩国 – Korean Intellectual Property Office
✦ 马来西亚 – Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia
✦ 香港 – Hongkong Intellectual Property Department
✦ 台湾 – Taiwan Intellectual Property Office


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